In some specific cases you may need to change PHP version in your web hosting account at WebHostingBuzz. We have implemented a server setup model that allows each customer to choose which version of PHP to use. Default PHP version The first step is to determine the default PHP version on . . . Read more
Below is the list of Apache modules that are loaded on all Shared Hosting servers at WebHostingBuzz. core_module (static) authn_file_module (static) authn_default_module (static) authz_host_module (static) authz_groupfile_module (static) authz_user_module (static) authz_default_module (static) auth_basic_module (static) include_module (static) filter_module (static) deflate_module (static) log_config_module (static) log_forensic_module (static) logio_module (static) env_module (static) expires_module (static) headers_module . . . Read more
Softaculous Auto Installer explained
Softaculous Auto Installer – list of supported software.