External MySQL connections
In some cases you may need to enable non-localhost connections to MySQL database. It’s easy to do on any Linux-based VPS or dedicated server.
Follow these steps:
1. Connect to your server via SSH as root:
2. Log into MySQL as root:
mysql -uroot -p
Enter the following command:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database.* TO user@'IP' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
… substituting the following values with your own:
- database is replaced by the name of the database you’d like to allow access to. Using * will allow access to all databases
- user is replaced by the username you want to allow
- IP is replaced by the actual IP to connect from. Using % will allow access from all IPs
- password is replaced by the desired password
[alert]Allowing access from all IPs in NOT recommended unless you have a very good reason to do so[/alert]
[alert style=danger]A blank password value will result in no password (empty password) set for accessing databases. This is highly NOT recommended[/alert]
4. Apply changes you’ve made with the following command:
5. Quit MySQL:
6. You might also need to allow connections to port 3306 (standard MySQL port) from a remote IP. Run the following command in shell:
iptables -I INPUT -s IP -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
Don’t forget to replace IP with the actual IP you want to allow MySQL connections from.
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Mr Angry